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Linguistics for K-12 Classroom Applicati

The Big Book of ESOL Activities: Preparation for Educators, Administrators, and School Counselors

Co-authored with Dr. Jane Govoni, this is a collection of ready-to-go activities for college classrooms and ESOL endorsement training. More than 60 critical concepts are introduced and reviewed through 200+ engaging activities. Through application, readers expand their knowledge and skills while developing applications to use in their schools and classrooms.

Critical Insights: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

My contributed chapter for this text is titled "Tom Sawyer's Complicated Relationship with Mark Twain's Hometown" and describes the book's impact on the town's identity. 

August 01, 2020

Linguistics for K-12 Classroom Application

Co-authored with Dr. Jane Govoni, this applied linguistics textbook is a practical approach for the K-12 classroom. In press at Kendall-Hunt for 2020 release.

Huffington Post

A proud contributor to The Huffington Post, 2010-2018

Mark Twain and Youth: Studies in His Life and Writings

I was invited along with other Twain scholars to contribute an essay for this book. My chapter is titled "Clara Clemens: The Bay" and is about Mark Twain's middle daughter, Clara. All scholars waived their royalties so that proceeds would benefit the four primary Twain sites in Hannibal, Hartford, Elmira, and Berkeley.

Preparing the Way: Teaching ELs in the K-12 Classrooom (4th ed.) 2021

Co-edited with Dr. Jane Govoni. My contributed chapter to this textbook is titled "Taking Off the Wrapper: Identifying and Serving Gifted English Language Learners." 

Down the Mississippi

Co-authored with CNN iReporter Neal Moore, this memoir features positive stories gathered along the Mississippi River during Moore's canoe voyage from Lake Itasca to New Orleans.

Mensa Research Journal

As a contributing editor to Mensa Research Journal (2008-2010), I worked with gifted young writers who contributed articles for the TAG Progeny feature and published a number of articles about fostering creativity and academic excellence in gifted and high achieving students.

Academic Scholarship

I have published in various scholarly journals including Kappa Delta Pi Record, New Teacher AdvocateUnderstanding Our Gifted, The Florida Reading Quarterly, Gifted Education International, The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, and The New Mexico Journal of Reading. I have been interviewed by C-SPAN, Bob Edwards, The New York Times, The New Yorker, etc. 

Not This Sunday

(2007) A children's novel about 5th grader Kenny Evans, a gifted boy whose dad was recently incarcerated. Although Kenny believes his dad is innocent and may soon be released, he still has to learn to negotiate a brand new world - the prison visiting room. Facing friends, dealing with school, and helping his mom are a few of the everyday challenges that further complicate Kenny's life. Foreword by Nicholas Colangelo. Published by N.L. Assoc.

Rachel Mason Hears the Sound

(2005) An engaging children's novel set in Florida. Themes of alcoholism and domestic violence are carefully handled as the main character negotiates her way through life, guarding the family secret. Rachel Mason finds her refuge in school under the caring but unsuspecting eye of her classroom teacher. When a heartbreaking incident jeopardizes her secret as well as her academic success, Rachel faces her toughest challenge yet. Readers may recognize someone they know - maybe even themselves - when they read Rachel's story. Published by N.L. Assoc.

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